
Birthday Party!

You know that “slightly overwhelmed” feeling you get when you are getting ready to host a party or have people over your house?  Well, that didn’t happen to me today and it was awesome!  In the past, it was my nature to become overly worried about making the perfect dessert and dusting every corner of my house.  Since learning to have grace on myself, I have really started to be less bothered by little things…no one really cares or even looks at your dusty baseboards, or the splattered toothpaste on your bathroom’s mirror anyway.  I certainly don’t when I’m at someone else’s house….those things are a sign of life….it’s like that saying, “Excuse the mess, my kids are making memories.”

Don’t get me wrong, I  like a clean house, but let’s be real; it just isn’t necessary for me to get in a tizzy over the toilet paper being put on the right way.

With that being said…


Today we celebrated my Little Buddy’s 3rd birthday with a “Pancakes and Pajamas” themed party.  I got the idea from a friend and then went right over to Pinterest to get planning.


I think it was a great hit with both the kids and parents.  We had the party at 9:30 in the morning, so everyone was happy and hungry.  The kids were able to play and eat some breakfast, while the parents got to sit back, relax and sip on some coffee…

…well, maybe not completely relax, there is always a little bit of crowd control when preschoolers are around. 

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Everyone wore their pajamas (parents included!), so it was super low key.  Having the party early was nice because it didn’t take up an entire Saturday and we were able to get the house back together before nap time.


This was the menu:
sausage balls
pancakes with toppings
cereal pops
banana bread cupcakes with peanut butter buttercream (I’ll post the recipe soon!)
juice boxes
Orange juice

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We also had a pancake toss, with these awesome bean bags my mother-in-law whipped up and a cereal necklace craft.

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The kids weren’t overly interested in these activities, but they turned out really cute.  Looking back, I would have used Caleb’s mini corn hole boards for the pancake toss, but instead I used a frying pan; cute idea, but pretty boring. 🙂

Most importantly, my son enjoyed himself and that’s what makes me happy.


Hope you can find some inspiration from my Little Buddy’s party for your own kiddo’s celebration!


2 thoughts on “Birthday Party!”

  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this party idea and totally plan to use it, at some point. 😉 How did you keep the pancakes warm? Or did you make them during the party and put out a few at a time?

    1. I made them the night before then put them on large baking sheets an wrapped them with foil….in the morning I just popped them in the oven at 200 for 20-30 min and they were perfect…I used an entire large box of bisquick which made way more than we needed, so I would just keep an eye on the time when you reheat them 🙂

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